World trade begins with the desire for goods and services that are apparently not available in their own country in terms of quality, quality and price! (and other factors)

With new knowledge, new desires and values arise that reform world trade.

The dual system is designed for added value of several trillion euros: 1000 billion or 1,000,000,000,000 = 10¹² €.

The Neue Hanse international asks for its mandate. Or even better, become an active member of Neue Hanse international. Shape the future in the sense of a humanity that wants to survive in freedom and peace in a healing environment.

Our clear announcements, your far-sighted future prospects!

We warmly welcome you as a member of a new cultural epoch with a club feeling and a sense of family

With a new world view, the new alliance has the edge that comes from traditions that are far back in the past and far-sighted knowledge of the future. Neue Hanse International is not based on current, constantly changing economic thinking that presents companies with unsolvable problems. Management boards of large corporations, medium-sized companies and small companies are increasingly finding that planned restructuring measures are already outdated and outdated before they are implemented. Newly planned plants and commercial buildings are still in the construction phase. Developed products and service offerings are obsolete before they are launched. Believed competitive advantages dissolve in a day.

Understandably, politics and market analyzes are lagging behind these progressive economic, technical and social developments.


The Neue Hanse International establishes an alliance of people who are attentive and aware of the circumstances briefly discussed before. At the same time, however, develop the latest innovations from a new, comprehensively oriented world view.

These beacons of new thinking and action stand in stormy seas and also give non-members orientation aids to align themselves in a progressively changing world. It is advantageous for our alliance partners to approach the prevailing monopoly on education, opinion and knowledge with due skepticism, even if other people still want to follow these faltering, monopolistic beliefs.

A strong, largely independent, new system can stabilize the prevailing economic and social system as a dual system with foresight. We create change only with an exorbitant new foundation of understanding, with which we can meet the exorbitant challenges of a rapidly changing world with philosophies decades in advance.

These most innovative philosophies and mission statements are based on old, newly defined international traditions. This is how Neue Hanse International introduces itself to the world public:

The service provider Neue Hanse International as a friend and advisor to your company

What services can Neue Hanse International offer you to make your company even more successful? The secret of lasting success may lie in a revised structuring of your company in association with other members of Neue Hanse International. Since there can be no opposition among the members of the Neue Hanse International, but only togetherness, the first starting points for a new type of international network arise from this.

If we speak of a new cultural epoch, then this is already an indication that the Neue Hanse International is happening on a cultural, new attitude to life, which should make people strong for a future-oriented coexistence.

As part of your membership, we will be happy to advise you on a far-sighted business model with which we will try to take account of the shortcomings in the international economic structure. With a unique dual economic and financial system, we want to awaken new, additional structures and desires, i.e. demands that strengthen the current system, but also change it. We reserve the right to disclose details on these and other topics exclusively for our members.

The SeaAirCompany is planning an international appearance with your company

Become a member of the Neue Hanse international

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